The “D1.1 Publication of the 3D-VFT, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication, in March 2014, and has been published in the Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, under the title “Tomographic Reconstruction of 3-D Irrotational Vector Fields via a Discretized Ray Transform”
The “D2.1 Publication of the application results of 3D-VFT on EEG signals for the extraction of the effective brain states during event related potentials, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication, in March 2014, and has been published in the Journal of Brain Research, under the title “Brain source localization of P300, MMN and N400: aging and gender differences”. It has also been published in the International Conference of IEEE Brain Grand Challenges, in March 2014, under the title “Effective Brain Areas Identification Using 3D Vector Field Tomography”
The “D2.2 Publication of the application results of 3D-VFT on EEG signals for the extraction of the effective brain states during cognitive functions, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication, in September 2014, and has been published in the ΙΕΕΕ Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, under the title “Age Effect in Human Brain Responses to Emotion Arousing Images: The EEG 3D-Vector Field Tomography Modeling Approach”. It has also been submitted for publication to the Journal of Neuroscience, in September 2014, under the title “Age-induced differences in brain neural activation during emotional stimuli”
The “D2.3 Publication of the application results of 3D-VFT on EEG signals for the extraction of the effective brain states during tests in natural conditions, concerning subjects suffering from brain disorders, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication to the international Journal of Neurobiology of Aging, in July 2015, under the title “Brain source localization of MMN and P300 ERPs in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: A High Density EEG approach”. It has also been submitted for publication to the Journal of Brain Research, in October 2015, under the title “Cognitive MMN and P300 in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: A High Density EEG-3D Vector Field Tomography Approach”
The “D3.1 Publication of the results of the study of effective brain states time-series, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication, in March 2015, and has been publised in the conference EMBC2015, under the title “Phase-Amplitude Cross-Frequency Coupling in EEG-derived Cortical Time Series upon an Auditory Perception Task”. It has also been submitted for publication to the Journal of Neuroimage, in April 2015, under the title “Task-Relevant Frequency Power and Cross-Frequency Coupling Modulation upon Auditory Stimuli”
The “D3.2 Publication of results of investigating the connectivity based on effective brain states time-series and causality measures, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication to the Journal of Brain Research, in October 2015, under the title “Gender Effect on Brain Connectivity upon Investigative Visual Attention: A High Density EEG-3D Vector Field Tomography Approach”
The “D4.1 Publication of the results of the study of effective brain states responses to visual attention, in an international journal” has been subbmited for publication, in March 2015 and has been published in the conference EMBC2015, under the title “Gender Effect in Human Brain Responses to Bottom-up and Top-down Attention using the EEG 3D-Vector Field Tomography”. It has also been submitted for publication to the Journal of Brain Research, in July 2015, under the title “Gender related differences in event-related potentials and human brain activation during a visual attention task”
The “D4.2 Publication of results of the study of effective brain states times-series responses to visual attention, in an international journal” has been submitted for publication to the Journal of Brain Research, in October 2015, under the title “The human brain activation time course of different visual attention mechanisms”